The City of Joplin is in the process of revitalizing Ewert Park, including a new state-of-the-art Splash Park! This process will build on efforts and progress to date and ultimately lead to the construction of an updated Ewert Park.
Scroll to learn more about the project and how you can get involved!

Ewert Park is- and has been- the heart of the surrounding neighborhood. The new Splash Park will be the largest of its kind in the area and will provide a unique, family-friendly attraction for everyone to enjoy!
Park improvements are expected to include the following:
A new splash park with both wet and dry play areas, updated shade structures, landscaping, and improvements to the current bathhouse building
A new playground with poured-in-place rubber surfacing to replace the current playground
A 12-foot-wide ice ribbon that will weave in and around the splash park
A covered basketball/multiuse court with lighting, outlets, and a water fountain to replace the existing tennis courts
An amphitheater with power for speaker systems and lighting for nighttime events
A park kiosk with design elements that highlight the history of Ewert Park
Interpretive signage throughout the park
Increased security lighting and camera systems
For more information on Ewert Park, visit the Joplin Parks and Recreation Department website here!
The graphic to the right shows the project timeline from start to finish. Project phases are as follows:
Schematic Design:
January 2024 – May 2024
During this phase, a future vision for Ewert Park will be established through stakeholder and public engagement.
Design Development:
July 2024 – August 2024
Once a concept for Ewert Park is developed, finalized designs will be created and reviewed by a team of landscape architects, engineers, and stormwater experts.
Construction Document Development: September 2024 – January 2025
Before construction begins, a set of construction documents will be created that detail exactly how the park design needs to be built.
December 2024 – May 2026
Using the construction documents as instructions and the project team as a guiding resource, the park will be built over the course of approximately 18 months.

Revitalize Ewert Park with the addition of new amenities and improvements to existing facilities.
Celebrate and enhance the existing history and character of Ewert Park by telling its story through design elements.
Provide a Joplin-centric community destination for residents and visitors alike.
Create a gathering space with quality outdoor recreation equipment and site furnishings that will last the test of time.
The Public Open House was held on September 10, from 6-8pm at the Joplin History and Mineral Museum. The latest plans that were shown during the open house can be seen below. Click on the image for a larger view. You can also provide feedback on the plans in the CONTACT section at the bottom of the page.

Final concept plans can be seen below. Click on the image for a larger view.

The Virtual Public Open House was available in April 2024.
Concepts shown during the open house can be seen below. Click on the image for a larger view.

The Visioning and Design Charrette took place in Joplin from March 12 to 14, 2024. The project team conducted visioning exercises with the stakeholder group and used their feedback to design initial concepts for Ewert Park in real time. Concepts from the charrette are included in the Virtual Public Open House. Photos from the event can be seen below.